Monday, September 14, 2009

First Post

My first we go! I am sure this is going to take a while to learn how to "post" - but I'll wing it for now.

What a wonderful weekend my husband (B) and I had. The weather was great - we were able to get so much done around the house.

On Friday, I went to see this with my g/friend:

Great movie - the clothes, shoes and accessories were so fabulous. Afterwards, we went and had dinner at Rio Grande in Bethesda.

Saturday morning was spent here:


We haven't been able to make it to the Farmers Market since we moved to the burbs back in May, but how refreshing and fun it was to walk around and sample all of the local fruits and vegetables.

For our first anniversary back in May, I bought B tickets to see:

Let me just tell you - it was a BLAST!! I haven't been to a country music concert since high school and this was so much fun! We were dancing and singing throughout the entire show. At the end, Toby Keith did a very touching tribute to our troops and invited quite a few soldiers to join him on stage. Very cool.

Yesterday was a perfect September day here in the DC area. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and perfect for the first day of football! I made a pot of chili and we invited my dad, sister (K) and her boyfriend over to watch the Redskins get crushed. K and I were busy snacking on this the whole game while the boys were glued to the TV:

I am excited to start this blog and can't wait to see where it will take me.

I hope everyone has a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I am the best cake decorator in the world! It was sooo good as it is now gone thanks to Trish and her husband. LOL We were also busy playing JoJo's Fashion Show.
